Sunday, October 7, 2007

Better Late Than Never

This title was going to be used for the previous post, but really, it had a better use in mind. Really, it needed to be used for something more significant. More significant even than a new bike. This title was saved for a public committment to resume training. It is well past the appropriate time to resume some reasonable level of fitness. Today was the first day of a more disciplined program.

The ride started before sunrise and lasted only 45 minutes. But it is a start and included a magnificent sunrise. The pace was slow. However, when it comes to starting a pursuit of fitness, it is not only "better late than never", it is also "better to go short and slow than to not go out at all".

I am a cyclist again.


  1. That's the spirit! I'm pulling for you...well not literally pulling, you have to do the work on your own. But I am thinking good, motivational thoughts sending Karma your way.

  2. Thanks, buddy.

    The fitter I am, the less waiting around for me you'll need to do on our next ride.

    You are a motivated supporter...and that's a good thing.
