Holy Father, you are the Almighty and the great I AM. You are all power, wisdom, justice, and righteousness. You are love and worthy of all glory and praise. You, Holy Father, are my creator.
I am weak and needy. I can't find my own way and I lack understanding. You provide my needs. You, Holy Father, fullfill your promises and give me hope. I know that You care for those that belong to You and I know that You answer my prayers. Please, I plead, hear this prayer.
I seek your attention and concern. I seek access to your holy power, your divine wisdom, and your mysterious ways. You have revealed to me that you can do all. You have executed justice, freed the captive, healed the sick, and raised men from the grave. Holy Father, I seek your healing hand.
Please heal my sister.
Where ever my sister walks, she shines your light. My sister reflects your glory and spreads your love to everyone she meets. Because of her devotion to her family, she is praised by her husband and honored by her children. Her young grandchildren have already known her abundant love. She has long been a faithful child of yours. She has a multitude of friends because so many have known the joy of her presence. You, Holy Father, have blessed me and my family through her. Through Christ, she is my sister. Through love she shows us You.
Please heal my sister.
I pray that she will sense your presence. I pray that she will be strengthened and encouraged. I pray that the blessings you have given so many through her will be showered upon her from all of us. Use us, I pray, to meet her needs. I pray that all those that care for her will do so in wisdom and in love. I pray that they will be strong. I pray that she will see your glory and, regardless of circumstances, know your joy. There might be lonely times and times of fear, so I pray, Holy Father, that her faith be strengthened. I pray that she will rise up in courage to meet her adversary. Most of all, Holy Father, I pray that You will heal her quickly and completely. Please heal her so that she can continue her service to you. Please heal her so that your glory will be manifested to those who know her and those who treat her. Astonish those who don't serve You so they might come to know You.
Please, Holy Father, heal my sister.