Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cadillac Sky

For those of you that actually visit this page (as opposed to those who might read via Google Reader, or similar), you might have noticed music. This is the kind of music some of us out here on the Denton County prairie like to hear. It's acoustic, creative, has clever and/or meaningful lyrics, and it includes highly-skilled musicians.

This band also holds a special place in our hearts because of the bass player, Andy "Panda" Moritz. Andy gave private lessons to our daughter Lisa a few years ago. He helped her achieve her music goals in high school. The two of them amazed me. Andy was able to help Lisa do incredible things in a short time. He had a way of encouraging her to work hard. She wanted to acheive, but she wanted also (I believe) to please him.

My family attended one of his recitals at the University of Houston and we were blown away. I had no idea anyone could do what he did with the double bass. He mentioned to us back in those days that, in addition to his classical music, he was playing with a bluegrass band. If this is the same band, I was an idiot for not demanding to hear them back then.

We have both of their albums and think that they have an optimum blend of traditional acoustic bluegrass with many refreshing new features. Apparently, my opinion isn't overly clouded by the fact that I know one of the band members. Check out their website for more details and other gushing reviews by more objective and knowledgeable people than me.

They are coming to Fort Worth soon and I think we might need to shine up our boots and make a trip to town.


  1. My oldest son really likes bluegrass and exposed me to it. I never really paid much attention to bluegrass before that. These guys are really good.

  2. I didn't think I liked country music. Then I heard bluegrass and realized...THAT is really country music. Yes, these guys are really good. You should hear their instrumentals...
