Thursday, November 24, 2011

South Texas, Thankfully

Our Thanksgiving tradition includes a trip to south Texas. During the drive down, we very nearly change seasons.

We assembled as family and we feasted. We were thankful. We expressed our thankfulness to Him who provided all that is good.

We rested from our labors, and we refreshed our minds. I was able to visit with both of my daughters in the same place at the same time.

As you might imagine, my son-in-law and I found time to get out on the bike for a while and ride through rough, scrubby, rolling terrain among the mesquite trees.

And the ride of the project bike was as tasty as the slice of pecan pie I had for dessert.


  1. sounds like a fine time. and that bike sure looks good.

  2. Sounds like every element you would want. Congrats!

  3. Looks like a great ride. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. The bike ranks right up there with pecan pie. That's mighty high praise.

    Sounds like a wonderful Holiday!

  5. What did the whippersnapper think of your new whip?
    Was it any easier to keep up with him?

  6. I managed to keep up with the youngster pretty well. This bike works quite well for road rides.

  7. Chris,
    Looks like you had a great time with family and getting out for a great ride! Great going!!

    Paz :)

  8. Just found your blog. Great photos, I'll be back!

  9. Thanks, Thomas, for the kind words, and now I know how to find Homebrewed Bikes(
