Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rolling Again


Consistent followers of this blog might notice that there was a post yesterday. The plan was for me to be in Reno this week, but that didn't happen. I was plagued by the annual sinus infection, felt crummy enough to go see a doctor, and cancelled my trip. I felt so crummy I didn't even ride the bike. Instead, I laid around the house with the furry rascals to the point I decided to see if I might be able to help one out the door. Today, however, I'm feeling much better. Still slightly weak I rolled around the 3-mile loop, took a short diversion down a gravel road, and returned home.


It was great to be outdoors again, great to be pedaling my bike, and (now that I'm almost well) great to still be in Denton County, Texas.

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  1. Hey Christopher, just wanted to say thanks for the great blog you've got here. Very nicely done. I really enjoy it. Peace.

  2. Thanks, Jerome, I just took a look at your bike blog and enjoyed it as well. I'll be back for a visit.
