Didn't really have time for a long wind-beating today. Even so, I figured I needed a short spin of the pedals.
This is why even my shortest desperation rides are worth getting out there.

While sitting in the nice comfortable passenger seats for three and one-half days on the 3 Amtrak trains I took to get home to California from Boston, I'd pull out the laptop every now and then in an effort to write a few profound final thoughts. It has been more than a week since my bike ride across the United States has ended. You'd think by now my thoughts would have crystallized allowing me to sum it all up into a succinct, yet profound statement about bicycle touring, life, and the cosmos.
I drew a blank every time. The creative juices have dried up. I was like Stephen King with writers block. I'd write a few words, and then hit the delete key. Maybe it's not really that complex at all.
I like to ride my bike. I'd ride my bike every day, all day, if I could.
I could, and I did.
That is basically it on the profound thoughts and insights.