I must come clean. Forester Road has gone neglected. In my wonderings and ramblings across the north Texas prairie, I've somehow missed the Forester Road vicinity. I understand that you expect me to keep up with things around here. So this morning's reconn was an attempt at catching up.
It's not a long road. But it has that delightful mix of hilltop open prairie with shade tree creek bottom. So I can have a nice variety within a short ride from the house. Why have I been away so long?

Country Bike
I don't know if Rivendell's Grant Petersen has ever been to rural north Texas, but sometimes it seems like he was personally thinking of me when he created the A. Homer Hilsen. The perfect Forester Road reconn machine.
Well, it seems that everything is in order along Forester Road. I hope you feel better now. I know I do.