There is a lightly traveled road in south Texas. It is one of my favorite rides. This is especially true in spring when the normally dry terrain turns a little greener and has relatively abundant color and fragrance. It is an up-and-back route from Lagarto, through Dinero, to Swinney Switch on FM 534. It is a 32-mile round trip of gently rolling hills, farm and ranch land, and Nueces River valley. Last Saturday, I had the opportunity to ride it and decided to post a few photos.
It didn't take long to find a magnificent spring-time bloom.

Then, just for fun, a little camera play...

Here are some typical views of the road. Notice the lack of traffic, the lack of urban development, and the lack of billboards and ads. This is why south Texas, spring-time rides are great.

The approach to the turn-around point involves a surprisingly (for this near the Gulf Coast) challenging climb out of the Nueces River valley. It is one mile long with an average slope of about 5%. There is a short, relatively flat portion at the midway point so the two sloped sections are a bit steeper than 5%. At the top of the climb is a chance to catch your breath before heading back.

Besides the empty roadway, there are other things to see along the way. Here is a very large tree that has obviously seen a lot of history.

People in south Texas get creative with their ranch gates.

A common site in this part of the world...

The topography is definately rolling. In some places, the views extend pretty far. The bright spot in the second photo below is the morning sun reflecting off Lake Corpus Christi.

On windy days, this is another place to pause for refreshment.

Another common south Texas land feature.

When I see this sign, I know I'm almost done.

...and finally, the trusty steed. This bike really helps me get out and enjoy some of the natural gifts God has provided.

Another excellent day for a ride.
You are becoming quite the photographer.