Saturday, February 4, 2012

My Job

If you can imagine the exact opposite of this photo,
that's what my job looks like.


  1. So, you do the same thing I do...

  2. It's a good thing you know how to unwind.

  3. Our jobs are remarkably similar. Kind of a pity, actually,

  4. I hear where your coming from, the best part of my job is the bike ride home

  5. Training/racing is just unpaid work - ride easy

  6. Ahhhh...
    Thank you! for the much-needed laugh at the end of a long day & night at school (now 10:14 PM, got here 12.5 hrs ago to find my first class cancelled.)

    I will ride the 9 km home with a smile on my face.

  7. Yes. That. Exactly.

    Well said, Chris.

  8. Mine varies, some days are better. But what would a Statistician do without variance? (just sayin'). But I am glad I have one!

    Paz :)

  9. Would it be accurate to say that most replies indicate displeasure with our area of work? I would include myself on that list.
    How is it that we end up doing something we don't enjoy? That was never part of the plan ;)

  10. Hey Wilson, I'll admit that there are days when "displeasure" is quite an understatement. I'm not sure about the replies here, but the original intent of the post was really focused more on the the pace, level of stress, setting, interaction with people, etc., and not really focused directly on good/bad judgment.

    That said, to ride the bicycle is good, so the exact opposite of that would be...well, let's just not go there.

  11. No, I get it. I don't 'hate' my job either but sometimes when I am on my way to work (a la bicycle) I would just like to keep going.

  12. There are no unpaved roads on my commute route either.
