Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Weekend Visit

Some long-time friends came out to our little place on the prairie this weekend. All of the events were not photo-documented, but portions of the Saturday outing are highlighted in the slideshow above. Trust me, just because the relaxing, meaningful conversation, and shared meals are not included doesn't mean they didn't happen. Special times with dear friends are a joy.

The Saturday outing included cycling into Denton for the gents. The ladies, I understand, released the foster bunnies that finally grew to sufficient size. Then they drove into town and met up with us for lunch. The slideshow photo shows us all finishing off the last bit of our ice cream before leaving town. The guys pedaled home and the ladies cruised the square for a little while.

That last photo is of Keith checking out the clown bike. I'm not sure who was more amused...Keith because the funny bike rides surprisingly well...or us because seeing anyone pedaling those tiny wheels is still hilarious.

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